Thursday, March 23, 2017

Featured Live Music Artist of the Week - Dick Diamond & The Dusters

Featured Live Music Artist of the Week - Dick Diamond & The Dusters

Well, with a name like that, you know you are in for something - you may not know what, but you know it will be something.

The band plays all the "hits" from the 1960s through now.  If it was played at the local roller rink - it's probably part of The Dusters' set-list.

The band is a 7-piece group, which allows them to play everything from Abba to Journey to Lorde to Bon Jovi.  But, with these guys - and gal - it's more than just the music.

Sure, Dick Diamond, Polly Ester, Vito Testosteroni, Walter Melon, Reginald Parker, Winston Stetson, Seamus Del Toro have the musical chops - there is no question of their talent - but it's even more than that.  The music is actually a faithful recreation of the hits many people roller skated to at some point in their life - but again, it's more than that.

Dick Diamond & The Dusters is a SHOW.  As you might have guessed by their names, these are quite the characters on stage.  Ever see a Duck Dunne looking bass guitar player - on roller skates?  Nuff said.

I could go into details about each person - but why spoil it?

This band can be summed up as extremely talented with a very wide variety of musical selections who perform the music as we all know and love it....................while being Dick Diamond & The Dusters!

A good indication of a band is the audience - and these guys - and gal - can get the crowd up and moving and smiling and dancing and laughing in no time flat!!!

A fun evening - to say the least!!

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