Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday's Featured 5k of the Week - Ozzie's Home Run 5k

In the third in my trilogy of reviews in memory of my Dad, today I will review the Ozzie's Home Run 5k sponsored by the Kane County Cougars (and their mascot, Ozzie).  Now, my Dad was not a 5k runner, or even a .5k runner, but he was a baseball fan - and he loved good minor league baseball.  Kane County was probably the very first minor league game we went to, and we went several times after, hence the dedication.

This run almost qualifies as a Trail Run, not a highly technical one, but it does qualify, at least in this writer's opinion.  Now, I admit, I think they have part of this race backwards, and you'll see why as you read the course, then I'll offer my opinion - though regardless - it's still a great race.

The race starts ON THE FIELD in the left field corner on the warning track, in the bullpen (this is one of the traditional "on-field" bullpens).  So immediately, runners have a quick up-hill down-hill terrain as runners traverse the pitcher's mound, and it is on warning track dirt.  The course then follows the outfield warning track to center field where the runners exit the ballpark and run on a crushed gravel access road through the trees (actually quite scenic in its own quaint way).   The course continues onto a paved road (the entrance to the ballpark facility) and then onto the parking lot (which I believe was paver bricks) and then onto a paved path for a while and the paved driveway area for a while.  Then it turns onto a gravel/grass mixture for a very short time then onto a crushed rock/hard dirt access road onto the nearby landfill.  The terrain then has 2 or 3 gentle inclines (the inclines aren't really "seen" as runner approach, it's more like "noticed" while on the incline) and of course an equal number of downhills.  Thus, all of this qualifying it as a "trail run" in my opinion.  Runners then return back on the same path, but this time instead of heading to the parking lot, the runners turn towards the ballpark complex and enter the complex through the main gate - which is actually quite cool for a few reasons.  One, it's just fun to run through an entry-way - but also it lets runners know they are almost finished.   The course then heads back onto the field via the same center field opening they left in.  Now, here is the part I think is backwards - runners run along the right field outfield then through the right field grass to the FIRST BASE line and finish at Home Plate.  First of all - let me say - finishing at Home Plate is the PERFECT finish for any event at a ballpark!!!  In addition, just before the finish, Ozzie is there for high-fives to all runners and walkers - kids and adults!!  A perfect finish!!

Now, personally, I would have started in right field - and finished down the THIRD BASE line.  But, that's just me - and it really doesn't matter - because the event is awesome!!!

After the race all runners are treated to a free beer or soft drink and a hot dog or Brat - from the grandstand booths - and runners sit in the grandstands for the awards ceremony!  Results are posted in the home team dugout!!  This run (or walk) is a baseball fans dream 5k - as they take full advantage of every aspect of a day at a baseball game : running on the bases, the warning track, the natural grass turf, sitting in the grandstands, food from the booths, and a trip to the dugout!  This is a run/walk - so it's open to all levels - kids and adults alike.  It also comes with complimentary passes to an upcoming game - and all participants get their names on the scoreboard at an upcoming game!!!

Because of the different terrains : well manicured sod, warning track, crushed gravel, pavers, pavement, dirt, grass/dirt/rocks, and some inclines, I feel this qualifies as a Trail Run!

A very well run event - usually takes place in late May.  If you are a baseball fan, if you have kids who love baseball - if you want to run or walk - I highly recommend this 5k!  Literally "fun for the family".

Info at this site -

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