Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday's Featured 5k of the Week - The Color Run (Milwaukee)

The Milwaukee Edition

The Color Run is a fun 5k run/walk/dance/jog/whatever.  It is untimed and it really is not a race - but rather a celebration.  I participated in The Color Run/Milwaukee, but they are all over the country - each one with a different route (obviously) which means different unique sites - but the overall concept is the same no matter where you run.

Start with a white shirt - and finish like a Disney explosion!

Let's start with "Packet Pickup".  This set the tone - party time from the very start.  In this particular case, packet pickup was the day before the event and AT the event site - Miller Park (home of the Milwaukee Brewers).  Upon arrival for pickup you could hear the beats thumpin' with a live DJ on premises - complete with stage dancers, and spectator dances, there were party favors for free, and for purchase, and even several games of beanbag being played, I believe there were also hula-hoops going on, and some free contests - oh and a picture booth.  The picture booth was foreshadowing the next day.  They encouraged everyone to visit the booth BEFORE the run with their white shirts on.  The packet contained a commemorative "The Color Run" primarily white shirt with accents of color.

The next day - as people arrived by the thousands, literally thousands - the party continued.  Everything described above was happening again - but to the next degree.  There were zoomba dances going on to warm the crowd up and there were even more vendors and contests and give-aways and music music music.  Again, everybody was encouraged to visit one of the photo-op displays PRIOR to running.  At some point an announcement was made for people to start heading to the starting chute - participants would be released in waves.   Just before the first wave was released, it was announced that the race would start with the National Anthem.  Amazingly, all those thousands of people became instantly quiet and you could hear a pin drop as the Nation Anthem was sung.  Then, just as it ended, the noise returned - goosebumps!  I can't remember who sang, but they did an awesome job.

The course itself started in one Miller Park lot, circled Miller Park, went over the expressway into another lot then under the expressway and into a "there and back" section, in which everybody High-Fived the people heading in the opposite direction and then finished where it started - which conveniently had some photo-op displays!!

Now, why do I keep mentioning the photo-op displays?  Well, you really do look like Fantasia exploded when you are done.  There are 5 "Color Stations" throughout the 5k, and each one is a different color.  Upon entering the roped off chutes of the Color Stations, very happy volunteers throw powdered color into the air, onto your back, into your hair and everywhere.  An non-stop explosion of color.  You can not get through a color zone and not become that color - head to toe!  Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange, and Pink are the colors I recall.  But wait - there's more!!!  Not only do you get doused in color - each "Color Station" is THEMED.  For example, the yellow one was Yellow Submarine and psychedelia.  Cool banners and displays adorned the before/after of each color station - in addition to music suited for that zone.   So, as you ran/walked/danced/jogged from place to place you also enjoyed various themes and music - along with the color explosions!

In addition to all that were some experiences specific to this venue.  At about the 1/2 mile mark, participants were circling Miller Park and could see directly into Miller Park from the outfield and see most of the ballpark (many stopped to enjoy).  And, while running OVER the expressway, participants were already doused with one color - so they got the joy of freaking out the motorists who were driving below - as pink people crossed the bridge!

This is definitely a PERFECT run for a first-timer.  Running or walking (or dancing or jogging) it's still 5K of exercise - and it happens to be FUN as well.  Also great for long-time runners looking to do something different.  Perfect for all ages and all skill levels.  Highly Recommended!!

This event is billed as "The Happiest 5k on the Planet" - and you know what, that's not just hype - it's fact!

The Color Run Website - find one near you.

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