Monday, January 18, 2016

Running Event of the Week : TdT 6-miler at Atwood Park

Tour de Trails 6-mile Trail Run at Atwood Park in Rockford, IL.

The 2nd race in the Tour de Trails Winter Series.  The first race was a 3-miler, this race was a 6-miler, and the final race is a 9-miler.  All 3 races take place in Rockford forest preserves.

This particular location, Atwood Park is also home of the Atwood Center, a center that provides activities for children throughout the year - and has a bird rescue and care facility.  Currently being cared for were 2 different owls, a turkey buzzard, and a real-life in-person Bald Eagle.

Back to the racing event itself.  This is a 6-mile race through Atwood Park. 

The race starts up by the Atwood Center on a relatively wide trail, which has an early sharp 90 degree turn followed by one of the steepest downhills of the event (later to become a steep uphill, more on that later).  The race itself can be described in two parts - the area north of the Kishwaukee River (about 2 miles) and the area south (about 4 miles).  It's like a race with two different personalities.

North side :  The north side of the river, where the race begins and ends is very hilly with some steep uphill and downhill treks.  The trails on this side are a combination of single and double wide for the most part - but passable.  While on this side of the river, the runners spend most of the time either going up a steep hill or rapidly down the other side of the steep hill.  And it is rapid, runners must also know how to "brake".  It finally flattens out just in time for the......

SUSPENSION BRIDGE!  And yes, when people are running on the bridge, one can feel the sensation of the bridge bouncing.  And this isn't just like a 10-foot bridge - this spans the river and runners are on it for enough time to feel the bouncing.  (Don't get me wrong, it's not swaying and swinging like in a horror film - it is a very safe and sturdy bridge, but it does bounce, ever so slightly, and it is noticeable)

South side : A tale of 2 trails, this side is relatively flat (relative being a key word).  Most of the time runners find themselves on wide curving flat trails, very scenic and flowing.  However, there is a gradual (but long) climb to the highest point of the park.  Conveniently there is a gradual and relaxing very long descent that follows.  One can feel their pace increasing the entire time running downhill and it is definitely a good "pick-me-up" feeling late in the race!!  This area also traverses some prairie.

Eventually the race crosses back over the suspension bridge - and remember that downhill at the start?  It's a steep uphill now.  The ending is fun, almost like a roller coaster ride - ending right at the Atwood Center building as runners ascend hillside steps to the finish line clock!  A very enjoyable ending to an enjoyable race.

The race is well organized with pleasant and fun volunteers from the very beginning to the very end.  The terrain provides much variety and scenery as well.

One very cool aspect of the event, runners are asked to bring a pre/post race treat to share.  There was a smorgasbord of food at the finish, from homemade treats and cookies to donuts to candies to granola, and anything in between.  Quite the spread as fellow runners chipped in!

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