Thursday, September 1, 2016

Featured Live Music Artist of the Week - Rod Tuffcurls & The Bench Press

So, yes, the name sounds funny - almost like a parody.

And, if you go to their webpage or google them - you'll find their stage attire a bit, um, unusual.  And you may find their names slightly out of the ordinary - Rod Tuffcurls, Happy Masterson, C.C. Ryder, and Dick Celebrity.

And, you're right.

This is like the cover band that never left the 80s.  When I caught their act, they happened to be performing the night before Flashback Weekend HorrorCon at MB Financial Park in Rosemont.  And, for Horror Fans, especially those who know what a Troma Release Picture is, you'll understand this next comment.  The band was dressed like the people in the gym in the first Toxie movie.

Yes, they were all dressed like that!!!  Of course, my first thought was - PERFECT!  A perfect fit for the night before HorrorCon, especially when hanging out with others from HorrorCon.

So, anyhow, they looked like the band that never left the 80s, they looked like a parody, even their name sounded like it.

However, However - these guys CAN PLAY!!!!!  And what a selection they have, from Wilson Phillips, to Seal, to Prince, to The Beatles, to Elton John, to Queen, to Taylor Swift.  Yes, I said Taylor Swift!

But here's the thing - they are very talented musicians.  They played Bohemian Rhapsody, live, as a 4-piece - and knocked it out of the Park!!!  Spot on musically, spot on lyrically.

But, that's just the half of it.  The entire time, they have some funny and appropriate stage choreography that I will not detail here, as it's best to be seen firsthand and not spoiled by some blog writer.

So, the point is, if you want to have some fun, if you want to get out for an evening, if you want to see some live local music, and if you enjoy very talented musicians - this is a show worth seeing!

Highly recommended!


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