Thursday, February 16, 2017

Featured Artist of the Week - "The Art of Amy Stegner"

We are once again going to switch from musical artist to visual artist for this week’s article.

Amy Stegner is an artist out of Michigan, who self-describes her work as “mostly abstract”

Some of her works can be viewed on her facebook page – “The Art Of Amy Steger” (

But my favorite Amy Stegner Collection is the “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall”, which can be viewed here - 

I have included 4 photos here – three of them are from that collection, and one was a commission, inspired by the collection, to be displayed in Cabin 7 Studios.  That one is simply called “Chili Beer” and is based on Cave Creek Chili Beer, which actually has a chili pepper inside the bottle.  Amy, being a true artist, samples the beer first, before painting the picture.  Not only does this give her an excuse to have a beer (she openly admits loving beer), but this enables her to paint the essence of the beer itself.  The other pictures I have displayed here are : “In The Loop” which is inspired by Goose Island’s 312 (that’s pronounced three-one-two, not three twelve or any other variation), “Something D-O-O Economics” (a most excellent reference to Ferris Bueller) which is inspired by Dixie Brewing’s Blackened Voodoo Lager, and “Thorfinn” which was inspired by Orkney Brewery’s Skull Splitter.  All 4 of these hang in Cabin 7 Studios, in a very prominent location as I am quite proud to be an owner of Amy’s work.

The “99 Beers” collection is currently for sale, many have been sold, but many have not.  But this isn’t the only collection Ms. Stegner has.  And they are not all abstracts, some are similar to the 99 Beers Collection, some are sketches, some are what I call (and probably incorrectly) “Word Art”.  Most of her work is available for purchase.

Amy uses a wide array of medium in works, using ink, acrylics, print, oil graphite, watercolor, crayon, and even Sharpie on paper, Masonite board, wood, and, of course, canvas.  And I’m sure I left some out.  She even has a collection called “findings” which is like a cross between sculpture and painting.

I’ve known Amy for quite some time, and I can honestly say she is a prolific artist, with new works coming out quite frequently.  Her works are quite varied, not only in medium but also in theme. 

I may not be an art critic, by any stretch of the imagination, and I may not be able to “talk” art (like I can “talk” running or music) – but I do know what I like – and I do like Ms. Stegner’s work.  One thing that I can tell, is that Amy’s paintings come from inside her, like a true artist, these aren’t just done to create something commercial to sell – these are paintings that express what she is feeling at that time – and her personal interpretation of the given theme – which is exactly what art is supposed to be.

My best suggestion, is to stop reading this, and go to one – or both – of the links posted earlier and see for yourself.

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