Thursday, July 30, 2015

Featured Live Music Artist of the Week - Michelle My Pelle

Michelle My Pelle definitely fits the title of this blog nicely "Music Artist".  Their performance is essentially musical art, or artsy music, or just music, but ALWAYS fun and entertaining - ALWAYS.

Michelle My Pelle is a multi-talented duet comprised of the incomparable Michelle Joni and Janna Pelle.  Both musicians, artists, and fashionistas from the East Coast NY/NJ area.

Quite honestly, the first thing one notices about Michelle My Pelle is their fashion.  Both dressed in some cutting edge attire.  Always something very artsy and original and appropriate for their act and performance.

Janna primarily plays the piano but also sings and Michelle primarily sings and entertains.  Their act is a fan-participation routine, in which Michelle spends much of the time interacting with the audience and getting them into the act.  Janna helps out with this as well.  This is 100% an Audience Participation Experience.  It is geared to be that and everything about it is that.

They performed 2 nights at the Fest For Beatles Fans-Chicago in a room that was redecorated to look like a swanky nightclub.  The piano was upfront and a bartender in the back and lounge tables/chairs throughout.  The event even kept the doors closed until "opening".  Upon entrance, attendees were greeted with Michelle Joni siting on the piano in the old-fashioned blues nightclub scene and Janna playing the piano.

The idea of the performance is to get the audience involved, singing, reading poetry, humming, playing percussion, dancing, smiling, you name it.  It is a combination of open-mic night, live performance, art, fashion, fun, and karaoke.  In this particular event, it all centered around Beatles music.

Michelle and Janna encouraged people to step up to the mic and sing, but when the audience was just too shy, Michelle and Janna (together or separately) would sing.  During this time, Janna's musical talent really shined, both vocally and on the keys.  Michelle also showed what a remarkable singing voice she has.  Both members of Michelle My Pelle are completely in command of the art of improv as well, quickly moving from songs and situations and adjusting to whatever may happen when involving a live-interactive audience.  Oh yeah, and mid-evening food was served on platters to each table!

At some point in the night, during Hey Jude, Michelle led a conga line around the room - at other parts of the night, Michelle danced on tables, and at other parts of the night the fans were treated to stirring renditions of some great Beatles/Beatles Solo songs on piano.

If this post seems to be jumping all over the place with no continuity - that's perfect - because that's what a Michelle My Pelle performance is like - and that is a good thing!  A very good thing.

When someone leaves the show, they are laughing, smiling, and maybe even a bit worn out!  Michelle My Pelle is a multi-dimensional performance of visual art, verbal art, dancing, music, audience participation, and fashion!!!   The very definition of Musical Artistry, if such a phrase exists.

But not to be overshadowed by the zaniness, wackiness, and fun of the show, is the fact that these two are both very talented musically and have a deep appreciation and love for Music.

If you are looking for an enjoyable night out - Michelle My Pelle provides that!!

You can find them both on facebook at :

Janna Pelle  and Michelle Joni

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