Thursday, August 18, 2016

Featured Live Music of the Week - A Directory of Bands related to The Fest for Beatles Fans/Chicago

The Fest For Beatles Fans draws extraordinary musicians from all over.  Many of these musicians perform solo, or in a Beatles band,  or in a non-Beatles band, or a mixture of all three.

It would be cool to see these musicians between Fests, so we have put together a directory of these bands, which should help everybody get a chance to see them in the 12 months between Fests.

I was trying to think of the best way to sort them, I thought by region, but some cross regions, so I decided, just alphabetical order.  Apologies to those near the end of the alphabet.

Please contact me with updates using the comment feature - changes, more bands, corrections, links, whatever .

The region only indicates a "home" region - most bands play outside of their home regions as well.

If I could find a link for the band's page, you can click on the band's name to get there.

BAND NAME                      FEST PERSON                REGION                  

Back Alley Blues               Nick A                     Central Illinois
Backdated                      Jay G                      Chicagoland
Beatle Buddies                 Preston L                  Chicagoland
Big D Unplugged                Daniel P                   Vincennes/Terre Haute
Bob Blider (solo)              Bob B                      Chicagoland
Burnside & Hooker              Diana M                    Chicagoland
Charlie FoxTrot                Daniel P                   Vincennes/Terre Haute
Danny Donuts (comedy)          Danny R                    Chicago/Michigan
DJ Sun Queen & DJ Madonna      Melissa B, Jessi M         Wisconsin
Eric Howell (solo)             Eric H                     Chicagoland
Green Umbrella                 Preston L                  Chicagoland
HandGrenades                   Andrew P, Nick C           Detroit/Hamtramck
High Anxiety                   Preston L                  Chicagoland
The NATU Band                  Nick A                     Central Illinois
Jak Tripper                    Roy S                      Chicagoland
Jesse Kazemek (solo)           Jesse K                    National
Johnny Burnett Band            Johnny, Brian R, Brian M,  Chicagoland
                               Diana, Kandalyn
King Mixer                     Eric H                     Chicagoland
Lauds                          Roger C, Marcos B          Minneapolis
Low Voltage                    Mike B                     Minneapolis
Matt Carter Band               Nick A                     Central Illinois
Meet The Beetles               Tony G                     Great Lakes Region
Mister Mustard                 Tom P, Andrew P, Nick C    Detroit
Mr. Puppet (comedy/puppets)    Bob A                      National 
Pepperland Rockestra           Johnny, Willa, Melissa,    Chicagoland
                               Diana, Tony, Brian M,
                               Brian R, Kandalyn, Richard
Plastik Glass                  Lizzie W, Tony G, Karl S   Chicagoland
Rockingbirds                   Tom P                      Detroit/Allen Park 
Sad Monster Party              Diana M                    Chicagoland
Sgt. Sauerkraut's Polka Band   Danny R, Karl S, Johnny B  Chicago/Michigan
Time Bandits                   Tony G, Mike C, Bobby M    Chicagoland
Wiresky                        Mike C                     Chicagoland


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